
The Future = Now x Acceleration

Insanely Great

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Steve Jobs will be remembered countless ways in the coming days for his vision, passion and commitment.


Deservedly so.

What made Jobs so unique was his insistence on producing products that were so, “insanely great” and intuitive that people had no choice but to want them and to use them.

Jobs was one of the few people in history who articulated his goals and achieved wild success by ruthlessly sticking to his high standards for himself and his products – bringing the company back from oblivion.

We all should be so lucky. The recipe for his success shuld be an inspiration to us all.

It is only fitting, I suppose, that this tribute to Jobs be composed on the latest of the long line of insanely great successes – the iPad. His products have fundamentally changed our culture.

Written by digitalanalogues

October 6, 2011 at 2:34 AM

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